
Friday, May 3, 2013

Ask, Seek & Knock!

What to pray?

Everyday we think of things we need to survive daily lives like food, work, clothes, house, money, ect.

Everyday you go to your work, you do your chores in your house, and provably finishes your day with busy mind working out for something again for tomorrow. All your time has devoted to do your everyday thing, not realizing that you finished a whole week without a time to prayer and simply ask God to give you all these things for your life.

But did you know that there is only three prayers that we need to pray everyday to get all the blessings that we need in our life.

As the Bible says in Luke 11:9-10 So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knocks the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

As easy as Ask, Seek and knock!

  1. Ask God : whatever you ask in prayer it will be given to you. So pray whatever you need. "You do not ask, thats why you do not have." Said Pastor David E. Sumrall, Undersheperd of Cathedralof Praise, Manila Philippines. Learn to be specific with your prayer. And believe that God will give it to you on time.
  2. Seek God:  As you live your life, seek relationship with God. Prayer time is the time where you can talk to God. From a chistian perspective; "prayer time is important part of your life because it is the only time that you can communicate and open your hearts to Jesus."  in one of his devotional teaching and from He says it is necessity to pray everyday and have relationship with God.  You should have a place of solitude to pray everyday to open your hearts to God.
  3. Knock: The opportunity comes, as you do asking and seeking God. But you still need to knock to open that oppurtunity. Meaning you still need to work hard or find that doors of oppurtunity while praying. Remember that God blesses the work of your hand,  no hard work, no blessings.
Now that you are ready, watch the Lord how He will open door and pour opputunities for you.

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